10 Expert SEO marketing tips to boost your traffic

SEO marketing is a strategy focused on growing your online visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results. It includes both technical and creative elements to improve search rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness across search engines. 57% of B2B marketers stated that SEO generates more leads than any other marketing initiative. In addition, leads from search engines have a 8.5x higher chance of conversion than an outbound lead.

The first step to SEO success is to boost your online visibility and organic traffic. Follow these 6 tips to drive more traffic and improve your search engine rankings:


Make sure your URLS make sense. If users can’t read or understand your URL, then search engines will most likely be confused as well. Always-use-hyphens in your URLS, include 2-4 words, and stay away from capital letters.

Meta Descriptions

Construct unique and relevant meta descriptions for every page on your website. The meta description is the first section that people will see when Google serves your page to users. If you’re a WordPress user, you can create meta descriptions by installing the Yoast plugin.

Link Building

Link building is an essential part of any search engine optimization strategy. Linking out to other trustworthy sites makes your website a more valuable and relevant resource. It also works both ways; If you’re looking to receive inbound links to your site from other authoritative sites, show your willingness to connect by linking from your own content.

Website Speed

Page speed is a critical factor in SEO. Remove anything that slows down your website. Did you know that 53% of people abandon a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load? A good starting point for measuring website load times is Google Page Speed Insights. To use it, type the URL you want to check and press the “analyze” button.


Think about users who are searching for a particular image; what do they search with? Keywords. Google dedicated an entire section of its search results to images, so this should prove how concerned the search engine is with pictures. Use the “alt text” field to provide a description your images, so search engines can read what they’re about.


Create and publish unique, consistent content to improve your rankings. Unique content is one of the factors that affect your freshness score and rankings for that specific page. Google determines the freshness of your content based on inception date, frequency of updates, and new page creation. Try publishing 2-4 blog posts a week to maintain good standings.